Bloc 4: My New Chart Form (and "Real Time")

My book "The I-CHING Ecliptic Tuner" uses a new "astro" chart form which features a 24-hour "Arena Time Circle" which has an upper half to represent exactly 12 hours of "daye" and a lower half (shaded with a half-tone screen of dots) to represent exactly 12 hours of "nite". The globe which rotates in the center of this arena (either North pole or South pole view) also shows equal "daye" and "nite" halves ("nite" half shaded).

Please be aware that this chart is based totally on global LONG-itudes (NOT LAT-itudes) and on Real Local (longitudinal) Times (RLT´s) and NOT based-on commercial standard zone times (SZT´s). See below two examples of this new chart form. Both charts are for the same EVENT (the solstice on 21 March 2011) but viewed first from North pole, then from South pole. Of course, the times for this EVENT are different for the two BODIES on their different global LONG-itudes.

Solstice Event

Here we have the chart with BODY in Buenos Aires and every planet in its place for the event of the Solstice of 21 December 2011. 


Next we have the "same" chart with BODY in San Francisco for this Solstice event of 21 December 2011.


Opposite Time Terms

We all know cultural terms like "early/late", "before/after", "past/future", "ahead/behind", but when we look at the whole-globe experience we can easily become confused about such terms. Perhaps the following discussion helps:

Suppose you make an appointment to meet a man somewhere at 8 PM. If you arrive there at 7:30, you are EARLY. If you arrive there at 8:30, you are LATE. Or if you arrive there BEFORE he does, you arrive EARLIER than he does. And if you arrive there AFTER he does, you arrive LATER than he does.

O.K. No problem with time terms so far. BUT: When you talk about how our globe moves in time, you should AVOID all four of those terms (early, late, before, after) and use instead ONLY two other terms: AHEAD (meaning "to the east") and BEHIND (meaning "to the west"). Here's why I give you this sage advice:

As our globe turns eastward, New York City in time zone 5 reaches mid-daye (noon) before San Francisco in time zone 8 does because N.Y.C. is AHEAD of S.F. on the globe; or said another way: S.F is BEHIND N.Y.C on the globe.

Now some people might want to say that N.Y.C. gets to mid-day (noon) "earlier" than S.F. does or that S.F. gets to mid-day (noon) "later" than N.Y.C. does, but I think it is extremely UNWISE to use such terms as "early" and "late" when talking about global movement. Why?

Here's why: When N.Y.C reaches mid-day (noon) the time in S.F. is 9 AM (3 hours EARLIER). This means that the "earlier" arrival of N.Y.C. at 12:00 happens at a time which is 3 hours "later" than the "earlier" 9 AM time in S.F. See what I mean about confusion in terms?

So always remember that global time AHEAD is always "later" than global time BEHIND (which is always "earlier" even though N.Y.C. may get to noon "before" S.F. does).

"Real Time" vs. "Commercial Time"

This is a matter of "Nature" vs. "Culture" and needs to be taken very seriously so as to enable us to tune our BODIES to the globe, the trees, and to the total "Web of Nature" of which we are a part. For this I recommend you to Chap.II of my book available on the following website: