Bloc 2: Orbit Realities


NOTE: Each quadrant (season) of the 24-hour day is an average of 36 globe diameters long. This equals 144 globe diameters per day. No movie-screen globe-model has ever shown this startling fact.

Yes, during each quadrant (season) of the 24hr. day, our globe (in its eliptical orbit) travels an average of 36 diameters in those 6 hours. But of course, our page-width here does not permit a true “scale drawing” of this globe-diameter ratio to the entire 24-hour length of the day-journey, but with the drawing below I can at least show the true scale of the globe-diameter to ONE of the day’s 6-hour quadrants:

(MRN, AFT, EVE, or DWN).

Opposite Seasons Make Opposite Signs

And finally, perhaps my greatest contribution to a clearer understanding of our globe's relation to your
BODY is the statement that the so-called yearly "Sun Sign" you experience (especially at birth) depends
on whether your LONG-itude BODY is ABOVE or BELOW the ECLIPTIC during a given season. And
because the north and south hemispheres always experience OPPOSITE seasons, the "signs" also become
OPPOSITE. This means that a person born in, say, Argentina, is not the birth sign he has been told he is
(by those northern astrologers). No, he must be the OPPOSITE SIGN because, "Opposite seasons make
opposite signs", as follows:


People in the tropics will experience their bodies part of the time above, part of the time below the ecliptic. Therefore they will be in TWO OPPOSITE SIGNS every day! But which signs and at what time? See Bloc 9 for "Equator Sign-Switch Graphs". 


By the way, this also means that the two tropic lines on our globe have been misnamed "Tropic of Cancer" (north) and "Tropic of Capricorn"(south). They should be RENAMED simply "North Tropic" and "South Tropic" because, as Solstice starting-lines for summer and winter (opposite in north and south hemi- spheres) they truly are BOTH "Cancer" (start-sign for summer) and BOTH "Capricorn" (start-sign for winter). So you see how much we need a revision of terminology for a clearer understanding of our "Ecliptic Solar System"?                  

Maybe you noticed my mis-use of the terms "ABOVE" and "BELOW" (the ecliptic). The terms "north" and "south" would have been more accurate.

Now let's have some more drawings which aim to explain the "Opposite seasons make opposite signs" concept. (Click to enlarge images).

For an animated, musical version of this "opposite sign" effect watch the following video:

But of course, our globe's axis does not change its tilt except in its orbital relation to the Sun in the center of the ecliptic. The following drawings give you a more accurate explanation of how the "TILT" of the globe´s axis (constant at 23.5 degrees against the Ecliptic Plane) creates the four seasons, north and south.
