Bloc 1: Solar System Opposites

Since 1976 it has been my goal to make the traditional world of so-called "ASTROLOGY" less verbal and more "REAL" in the minds of my readers. 


And here I MUST INTERRUPT to say that I DO NOT BELIEVE-IN Traditional Western Astrology (TWA), but at the same time I do not reject entirely the idea that maybe (just maybe) the way our globe operates within the Solar system has some important effect on your BODY related to its location on a given LONG-itude (not LAT-itude).

The above statement leads me to declare the words "LONG-itude" and "LAT-itude" to be the first important OPPOSITES you should be aware of. Do you truly understand the difference between the two?


Too many people "TALK" the game of astrology without having any true understanding of what the words mean. For example, there is a kind of snobbish pride some people have in being able to use such words as "ascendant (rising sign) and "retrograde" without actually knowing what these words mean in three dimensional (3-D) experience.

This kind of glib, "off the tongue" or "off the page" verbalism leads me to define a next very important OPPOSITION: the 2-D WORLD of paper or screen information and the 3-D WORLD of constructed "models". Certainly you are aware of world-globe models, but you may not be completely aware of how the real globe operates on the ECLIPTIC of our Solar system. Certainly the globe model we know refutes the old idea of a FLAT WORLD in which the most important OPPOSITE TERMS are "UP" and "DOWN", "sunrise" and "sunset". Believe me, in the real world of scientific universal space all four of those terms are obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller even advises us to stop saying "upstairs" and "downstairs" because what we truly mean is "IN-stairs" (toward the center of the globe) and "OUT-stairs" (away-from the center of the globe). And because the Sun (our only "star") does not rise or set (does not move from the center of our ECLIPTIC system), you might better say that it is your BODY which "rises" in the morning (at REAL 6 am): moves on its global LONG-itude from OUT-side our globe's orbit-track to IN-side (Sun-side) our globe's orbit-track, then in the evening at REAL 6 PM "sets". Thus your BODY moves from IN-side to OUT-side (outer-space side) of our globe's orbit track. See the drawings below:

 NOTE: I have introduced several important OPPOSITE TERMS here: "daye", "nite", "north polar view", "south polar view", "clockwise" and "counter-clockwise". The next drawing might upset you a bit, but I think it's extremely important for you to get used to the idea of looking at our globe in a position which you might call "upside-down" (another popular term which has no meaning when talking about our Solar system). There is no "up" side or "down" side, no "above" or "below". So we will start preferring the two opposite terms "NORTH" and "SOUTH".
Revising Cosmic Terminology

Recently I invented the term "ECLIPTOLOGY" to replace the term "ASTROLOGY" See my website:  "ECLIPTOLOGY" limits my study of the cosmos solely to the flat, ecliptic plane which has eight planets concentrically tracking around a single star, our Sun. This means that my studies refuse to go outside this "solar system". Therefore I must reject all of the 12 "zoo"-diacal "signs" imagined to reside in star patterns (constellations) which can be viewed primarily from the northern hemisphere by so-called Traditional Western Astrologers (TWA's).

Sidereal vs. Tropical

To replace this "star sign" concept, I have invented the term ESP "Ecliptic Striking Point" (of the Sun) which clearly demonstrates that it is the Sun's direct, ecliptic rays tracing north and south ON the tropical SURFACE of our globe which produce the four year-seasons with their 12 "signs".

I once went so far as to suggest that we abandon the traditional names of the 12 "signs", but on second thought, I concluded that this would be an impossible task to accomplish. True, maybe there is much of Traditional Western Astrology which provides faith and comfort, therefore deserving support, but I must recommend my newer system to be more ecumenical and more scientific. It might even win some faithful converts away from the old system, at least because my new system has clearer terminology.

But perhaps the chief advantage of Ecliptology is that it aims to eliminate the inherent "priest-craft" of the old system. This means that a person need not rely on someone else to explain those "arcane", mythological TWA terms so as to interpret for him his birth-chart or the daily "transits" of his BODY, the Sun, Moon, and other planets.

No, with my new system each person is left alone to find his own meaning with a very clear new "daye-nite" chart which can be viewed from either the north or the south polar star. One astrologer recently proposed a new term such as "PLANETOLOGY". But I think this is ill-advised, and the term "GLOBOLOGY" is too much like the economic term, "GLOBALISM". 

Anyway, I feel that it is my duty to alert the general public to the facts of our "global mechanics" and how these facts produce the four seasons of the year (with their 12 "signs") plus the four seasons of the day (with their 12 "signs"). Yes, there are four seasons in the 24-hour day: morning, afternoon, evening, and dawning. And yes, there is an ancient tradition of dividing these four seasons into 12 "double-hours" which equate well with the 12 "signs" of the year. In Traditional Western Astrology (TWA) these daye-nite "signs" are called "houses" and are generally equal in meaning to the year "signs".

At least many people know global mechanics to the extent of distinguishing yearly ORBIT-movement from daily ROTATION-movement, but most people are rather in the dark about how these two movements relate to each other and how they affect your BODY located on its given LONG-itude (not on its LAT-itude). So to bring some light into this darkness, I now present some important drawings which clarify our global mechanics, as shown in the next bloc.